Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Aveeno Lotion What Is The Best As Body Lotion - Palmers Cocoa Butter Oil, Aveeno Lotion Or Oilve Oil?

What is the best as body lotion - Palmers cocoa butter oil, aveeno lotion or oilve oil? - aveeno lotion

Alternatives or other cheaper and better please suggest. I also have cellulite and if there is anything we can think, it would be great. Thank you in advance.


Omega said...

Aveeno is the best material for people with sensitive skin. Just go to Wal-Mart and see all the lotions. Aveeno is good for the skin. It's my favorite kind of lotion and sensitive.

Rosepeta... said...

I love Bath and Body Works. I'm so big on aromatherapy, but it sounds like a naturalist. Aloe vera gel is good. Who has no colors, fragrances or dyes, and spreads easily. To regulate sellers of aloe gel for the spring season. You'll find all the products UVA to consider. Honey is also beautiful. You will find many wonderful recipes from home moisturizers online honey. Enjoy!

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