Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How To Find The Game Executable What Program And Programming Language Is Recommended To Create A Simple Executable Game?

What program and programming language is recommended to create a simple executable game? - how to find the game executable

The game needs to A. EXE without installing it.
Simple games such as Tic Tac Toe.

I know that Java, C and C + +



georgemi... said...

C + + has the extension. Exe.
Java is the file extension. Yar.

You get the point. Java is more mobile in general. C + + is stronger. Java would probably be easier for Tic Tac Toe.

Frugal said...

With Python and Pygame, you can make simple games very quickly. I am 14 years old, so it is easy, but ... I started when I was 12 .... anyway after using py2exe in your file (s) and there you have it.

py2exe can be found on

And the best part is, all these things for free.

AJ said...

C / C + + compiler into exe files. Here is a video on how to build a exe which does not depend on any other file. ...

There are some programs that this simple game. ...

AJ said...

C / C + + compiler into exe files. Here is a video on how to build a exe which does not depend on any other file. ...

There are some programs that this simple game. ...

spleenbe... said...

Game Maker is your best option if you have never done a game before. C, has to my knowledge, no object, so that, if not then we will try Game Maker for C + + or Java

Matt H said...

If you know that these languages are not the issue.

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