Friday, December 4, 2009

Baby Has Dry Cough 5 Month Old Baby Has Runny Nose And Dry Cough.?

5 month old baby has runny nose and dry cough.? - baby has dry cough

My baby has a runny nose and a dry cough. She has no fever. Is there anyhing I can do to make you feel more comfortable.


pomegran... said...

Yes, you can be "little noses" saline drops and lead in the nose, then get with a vacuum cleaner on all congestion situation. trying to help a vaporizer in her room to moisten the airways. are not used to cold medicines in children under the 2nd

madsmom said...

My Girl is exactly the same kind of cool ..
Saline nasal spray .. The child simply saline .. works best
, Snorkeling, snorkel, snorkeling ... even if the child hates
-raise your head when you sleep with a docking station positioner .. Babies R Us, they have .. what's under the bedclothes.
Tylenol-baby .. before bedtime, if he seems really uncomfortable .. even if you have a fever .. Harm cough, sore throat and ears can be perhaps a little painful.
Call your doctor if symptoms do not appear to be better in a few days ..
Good luck

gamma_gi... said...

If the material is from the nose clear and has no fever, wait a few days and see what happens. If there is a temperature, runny nose and yellow or green, or cough is getting wet from a cough him to the doctor.

gamma_gi... said...

If the material is from the nose clear and has no fever, wait a few days and see what happens. If there is a temperature, runny nose and yellow or green, or cough is getting wet from a cough him to the doctor.

Destiny's Momma said...

If I were you, I would ask for the document.
It could be allergies ... or allergic reactions to something in the house ... But def. ask the doc.

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